Bottomley, J. (2000). The Use of T'ai Chi as a Movement Modality in Orthopaedics. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America, September, pp. 361-373 ORTHOPAEDIC
September 2000 1059-1516/00 $15.00 +.00 The
Use of Tai Chi as a Movement Modality in Orthopaedics Jennifer
M, Bottomley, PhD, MS, PT Note: This article has errors from the OCR transmission of this article from the printed page. Many
of the orthopaedic and musculoskeletal maladies that are encountered
in physical therapy are the result of inactivity, trauma or injury,
poor nutrition and hydration, a deficient or overly active immune
system, or a pathologic process. Immobility leads to a loss of flexibility
and strength, poor cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular endurance and
compliance, bone loss, postural changes, balance deficits, an incompetent
immune system, nutritional and metabolic changes related to a decrease
in appetite and the loss of physiologic cellular efficiency:y, poor
circulation, decreased oxygenation, depression, and an overall compromise
in fitness and quality of life. Trauma or injury to the musculoskeletal system is often the result of a fall, sprain, or strain. Many diseases and pathologic conditions are associated \'with balance deficits. Inactivity increases the risk of falling secondary to a loss in flexibility, strength, decreasing bone mass, poor posture, and endurance problems. Dehydration is a primary cause for dizziness and exacerbates further decrease in soft tissue mobility·. Poor nutrition affects the overall health of all tissues, including the bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The immune system is severely compromised "when nutrition and hydration at the cellular level is lacking, The immune system response can also cause the breakdown of the tissues that make up the musculoskeletal system through <1n inflammatory response or a suppression of the immune system, leading to sepsis and destrur:tion of the soft tissues of the body. Immobility owing to a number of acute, chronic, or progressive pathologies, such as cardiovascular (e.g., heart disease, peripheral vascular disease), pulmonary (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma), neurologic (e.g., cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathies), metabolic (e.g., osteoporosis, diabetes), orthopaedic (e,g., fractures, osteoarthritis), immunologic (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, AIDS), and psychologic (e.g., stress, depression) diseases and conditions, can limit functional capabilities and lead to the cascading sequelae of inactivity. The
enigmatic issues of health-related quality of life for patients with
chronic illness may require some alternative efforts on the part of
health care providers. Alternative therapies have emerged as additions
to or replacements for traditional methods of health promotion and
injury' prevention. Tai chi is a form of gentle exercise and meditation
that has been recommended as a treatment for older adults with a variety
of chronic illnesses. This article discusses the use of tai chi as
an alternative exercise form and a promising movement modality in
the treatment of orthopaedic conditions. WHAT
chi is an ancient physical art form, originally a martial art, in
which the defendant uses his or her attacker's own energy against
himself or herself by drawing the attack, sidestepping the attacker,
and throwing the opponent off balance. It is a technique that uses
slow, purposeful physical movements of the body, accompanied by breathing
and mental concentration (meditation) for the purpose of control and
achieving a more balanced physiologic and psychologic state. The Chinese
conceived the human mind to be an unlimited dimension and the body
as limitless in its physical capacity. There
are numerous forms of tai chi involving 108 positions and transitions
of controlled movement, each style with slightly different philosophic
foundations. Family surnames came to be associated \with the different
styles of tai chi that have been passed on from generation to generation
(e.g., Wu style, Yang style, Ch'en style, Chuan style, Chih style).
Each style is distinctive, but all follow the classic tai chi principles
and the basic philosophies of Tao.4 TAl
use of tai chi in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions is an
alternative therapeutic approach that can greatly enhance the practice
of orthopaedic physical therapy. It is a form of exercise that recognizes
the mind/body COilnection.4. 7. 23 The movements are graceful and
controlJed throughout the range of every joint. There is no impact
on the joints. Stress is imposed on bones by \veight bearing and muscle
pulL The tempo is slow and rhythmic, coordinated with breathing. The
movements summon all postural responses and challenge kinesthetic
and proprioceptive sensesY' 30. ~3 The ankle and hip strategies for
maintenance of balance are continually being facilitated. Despite
the fact that only a small radius is required for the tai chi exercise
forms, it has been shown to have an aerobic training effect, lower
blood pressure significantly, and improve metabolism on a cellular
level, facilitating nutrient uptake and waste removal. TAl
CHI, MOVEMENT, AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM An overwhelming amount of evidence suggests that higher cognitive centers and limbic emotional centers are capable of regulating virtually all aspects of the immune system, and the mental calming effect induced by the meditative movements o(tai chi may enhance overall health and have an impact on illness. Because many of the musculoskeletal pathologies encountered in physical therapy are autoimmune diseases (3 hyperactive immune system), augmenting the balance of tlH~ immune system through active, gentle, meditative motion has the potential of improving functional status by affecting the rate of progressive destruction of the joints and fascia. Rheumatoid arthritis and the symptoms associated \vith various other inflammatory diseases (e.g., scleroderma, lupus) occur in large part because of prolonged activation of the immune system. This prolonged activation may go unchecked because of a deficiency in the chemical within the brain that normally triggers the production of the antiinflammatory hormones. To
understand this connection, one must understand the bodj"s immune
system response to inflammatory triggers, something about the brain's
stress response, and something about how the t\\70 systems communicate.
VVhen there is a foreign invader, there is chemical warfare \vith
toxic chemicals released from granules in different kinds of white
blood cells, such as mast cells. Some white blood cells, for example,
lymphocytes (B cells and T cells) can clone themselves, giving rise
to a multitude of killer cells. Other cells (monocytes, macrophages,
and ncutrophils) function as scavengers, engulfing and digesting the
foreign invaders. Plasma cells make antibodies that attack the foreign
cells. To prevent total chaos in this immune system response, interleukins
provide the communication that coordinates cellular activity at the
sites of inflammation. Interlcukins are proteins and pepticles, made
by the cells of the immune system, that activate and signal specific
cellular functions. The hypothalamus is the prim8ry strunure in the
hrain that is activated ITy the presence of interleukins and responds
to regulate the attack on the invading cells. This response activates
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in the following manner.
The hypothillamus releases corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). CRF
stimulates the pituitary gland to release adrenocortocotropin hormone
(ACTH), which stimulates the adrenal glands to release corticosteroids
[glucocorticoids). The corticosteroids are among the most potent anti-inflammatory
agents that the body makes.] The corticosteroids function to shut
off the immune system inflammatory response as soon as the invading
cells have been destroyed. A buildup of glucocorticoids in the blood
triggers neurons in the brain to cease the process that gives rise
to this steroid. CRF release is inhibited, and the release of ACTI-I:
,md glucocorticoids stops. It is called a negatil'R feedback loop
and is a means by \vhich tbe system regulates itself. The
major impact of this axis on the immune system is its effect on T
cells. T cells are acutely sensitive to glucocorticoids. Greatly elevated
gJucocorticoid leveLs damage or destroy the T cells or prematurel.y
induce their migration from the thymus to other immune tissues. The
resultant shrinkage of the thYInlls is so pronounced that the gland's
'weight has been used as llll indirect ,way to assay the release of
adrenal glucocorticoids. The effects of glucocorticoids are biphasic;
in high concentrations, they mute the immune response, whereas in
small amounts, they have been sho\'\."o to activate it. Normally
the adrenal glands secrete glucocorticoids in a daily tidal rhythm,
and the point at which lymphocytes respond most aggressively to antigens
has been correlated \vith the interval during which the level of circulating
glucocorticoids falls to its lowest point. Sometimes the glucocorticoid
cortisol is referred to as the body's stress hormone because it is
during stress that cortisol is most often released. In
a study done by Sun et al in 1989, it was found that there was a marked
increase in blood T cells during and for a significant time after
45-minute sessions of tai chi. Jin1s, 16 showed a significant drop
in cortisol levels during and after tai chi practice. Jin's studies
also established a significant reduction in tension, anxiety, fatigue,
depression, and confusion. Stress-related causes have been credited
with greater than 80% of all illness. Although the evidence at this
point is scant, these studies reflect a potential for altering the
immune system response at the cellular level with the practice of
tai chi. TAl
chi exercise has been found to affect flexibilitJ-"', muscle
strength, muscl-e tension, and postUff3 positively. y, 13.23.13,45-50
Theoretically, it also has the potential of increasing bone mass.
13. l~l, oL JZ Overall the beneficial effects of tai chi for musculoskeletal
health appear to be remarkable. The
mechanism by which tai chi affects joint mobility; cartilage and bone
health; and tendon, ligament, and muscle flexibility has not been
studied, A hypothetical suggestion is presented here as to the underlying
means by which flexibility of fibrO\1s r:onnedivp tissllp. is enhanced
through the practice of tai chi. The health of the cartilage, tendons,
ligaments, muscle, and bone depends on a balance between rest and
stress of these tissues. Tai chi, because of its eccentric-concentric,
\veight bearing and shifting, nonimpact flowing motions and its ultimate
influence on reducing muscle tension,!' 15, 26 provides both. It also
intuitively enhances circulation, improving nutrient availability
to these structures. The author's hypothesis is as follows. Collagen
is the basic protein component in fibrous connective tissue inclusive
of bone, muscle, tendon, ligament. and cartilage.lO.11 Procollagen,
a protein material, is secreted by the ribosomes of connective tissue
cells. Individual procollagen molecules bind together to form tropocollagen
strands. These strands group together in a spiral fashion to form
the mature collagen fiber.6 The diameter of the collagen fiber is
increased by the surface aggregation of additional tropocollagen strands,
with a resulting characteristic of a compressed and increasingly cross~liIlked
central fiber.'" Further cross-linkages continue to be added
even after the fiber has rcached maturity. It has been determined
that the diameter of coJlagen fibers is greater in older subjects
v,/hen compared with younger subjects,12 Generally the teIlsile strength
of connet.live tissue in older persons is greater than that of younger
indi\'iduals. The increased cross-linkage of collagen fibers is considered
a normal change related to aging, but it may be the result of inactivity.
The glycoproteins form a group of relatively small molecules of soluble protein material. The presence of glycoproteins in the extracellular area produces the osmotic force that is important in maintaining the fluid content of the tissues and dra'lsing in nutrients.34 The higher the glycoprotein concentration, the greater amount of fluid and nutritional components that are retained in the tissues by osmotic attraction forces. The production and release of glycoproteins within the connectiye tissues is reduced with inactivity. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult for the tissues to maintain i1 normal fluid balance and a steady nutritional status_ Dehydration and pood:)'" nourished tissues are the end result. The tissues become rigid and start to break down because of dehydration and poor nutrition. Glycoproteins are produced v,.'hen the cell is unstressed (at rest). The stress-unstressed c}'des encompassed in tai chi routines provide the needed unstressed phases. In addition to enhancing circulation of nutrients by the blood, osmotic forces attracting water and nun'ients into the cells would theoretically' also he int1uenced. The effect of tai chi in reducing muscle tension would allmv for a greatf~r quality of rest when the individual is actually resting. Hyaluronic
acid helps to regulate the viscosity of tissues and is produced by
some of the ribosomes in the connective tissue cells, particularl:y
those located in the cartilage. This substance helps to decrease the
friction between cellular components during movement. There is a reduction
in the amount of hyaluronic acid secreted associated with inactivity',
reducing the ease of movement (viscosity) of the connective tissues
and resulting in tissue degradation.s The production of h:yaluronic
acid is enhanced hy activity, particularly stress at the cellular
level. Exercise becomes particularly important for maintaining the
viscosity of tissues. Lack of exercise and activity negatively affects
the production of hyaluronic acid, producing tissue restrictions and
decreasing mobility further. Tai chi. in contrast to other forms of
exercise, stresses all musculoskeletal structures in the body uniformly.
This consistency of stresses imposed on the entin~ system during tai
chi routines may enhance the production of hyaluronic acid, improving
lubrication and mobility in 8ll tissues of the body. Fibrinous
adhesions have great clinical implications in treatment of orthopaedic
problems. Fibrinogen, a soluble plasma protein, is a normal molecular
exudate within the capillary. \'Vhen this substance passes through
the capillary wall into the surrounding tissues, it is converted to
strands of insoluble fibrin.1 Fibrin strands can adhere to tissue
structures and restrict movement of these structures. Normally, fibrin
is removed as debris by reticuloendothelial cells. VI/ith increasing
age and inactivity, the exudation of fibrinogen into the surrounding
tissues is increased.J1 With reduced activity levels, complete breakdown
of fibrin may not occur, leading to the accumulation of this substance,
restricting movement, and possibly resulting in adhesions. After an
injury (traumatic or surgically induced), fibrinogen also accumulates
at the site of tissue damage. If activity is limited, these strands
can consolidate and create an adhesion.J4 Activity enhances the removal
of fibrinogen and should be resumed as quickly as possible after an
injury to prevent irreversible tissue restriction and contractures.
Because of the nonstressful, gentle, fluid nature of the tai chi exercise
forms, it is relatively safe to begin tai chi immediately after an
injury or surgical procedure. This author has also modified tai chi
to be done in sitting or in a semireclined bed position. The use of
a ball is also effective in providing support, while allowing for
greater benefits to the lower extremities and to balance. Kirsteins
et al examined tai chi intervention l.vith rheumatoid arthritis patients
and found there \vere no significant joint symptoms (e.g., joint tenderness,
s\velling) with this weight-bearing form of exercise. It seems reasonable
to assume that the cartilage, which is avascular and relies entirely
on surrounding structures for its nourishment, would benefit from
the increased availability of glycoproteins and hyaluronic acid for
maintaining health and function. The nonimpact, gentle nature of the
movement modality oftai chi \vould also prevent painful jarring of
inflamed arthritic joints. Ivlany
researchers h,n-e found statistically signifir:ant strength gains
in muscles tested as the result of tai chi intervention. One study
examined the health effects of tai chi Chuan on older adults in a
community setting and found great improvements in flexibility, ~lrel1gth,
and muscle relaxation after 16 \veeks_;- Lan et al compared a group
of sedentary older adults with dgroUP participating in a tai chi program
ami found the tal chi group not onl:y had significant muscle strength
gains, but also were c.haracterized by greater flexibility, improvement
in posture measures, and a 10\ver percentage of body fat at the end
of the study in comparison with their initial assessment and with
their sedentary' cou~terparts. Lan et sF showed an average increase
of 11 () in thoracic and lumbar flexibility and an increase of 18%
to 20% and 15% to 169'0 in knee extensor and knee t1exor strength,
respectively. This study also confirmed significant cardiovascular
benefits as evidenced b~y \T02ma., and endurance measures, The results
indicate that a tai chi program is effective for improving overall
health and fitness of older adults. Although
the author could not find any studies that measured bone density specifically
in relation to tai chi exercise, based on the muscle pull in multiple
directions on the bone and the weight-bearing nature of this exercise
form, it can be hypothesized that tai chi ,Nould have a beneficial
effect on bone density based on the piezoelectric effect and the application
of Wolff's law. Physical stress on bone stimulates increased bone
deposition. The physical stress can be a result of any exercise that
applies compressive and tensile stress, including tai chi. Simply
overcoming the forces of gravity on the musculoskeletal system can
stimulate bone depusition. Because of the large number of muscles
(>600) that originate and insert on the nUmerous bones of the skeletal
s)'stem (approximately 206), muscle contraction, especially against
resistance (gravity or external loads), can place lctrge forces on
the muscle tendon-bone junctions, and these forces are relayed to
the bone matrix. Bones
are dynamic structures that undergo adaptive changes in direct response
to the physical demands made of them. \Vhen regularly stressed, they
respond by becoming mechanically stronger; if underused, the opposite
occurs. This hypertrophic response to exercise is highly specillc
and occurs only in the areas of the skeleton that are experiencing
the extramechanical forces. Bassett and Becker" han'! hyputhesized
that the mechanism for the localized control of bone growth is electric
in nature. In their model, bone tissue functions as a piezoelectric
crystal that converts the energy of mech,mical deformation into electrical
energy. Through these charges, control over the level of cellular
activity is exerted. Piezo is the Greek ·word for pressure
or to squeeze. The piezoelectric effect is the electric current created
,\Then there are compression forces, pressure, or \veight bearing
through a bone. An electric polarity or electricity is generated because
of pressure, especially in a crystalline substance such as that found
in the biochemical composition that makes up the minmal content of
the bone. During mechanical stressing, the segment of bone experiencing
compressive forces produces a negative electric charge stimulating
osteoblast activit:,,.', whereas the segment under tension becomes
positive, stimulating osteoclast activity. The negative polarity created
bv compression forces Clttmcts positive ions such as Ca~ and other
electrically p~sitive minerals. The mechanism for the localized control
of bone growth is hypothesized to be electric in naturc.c Wolffs
law states that bone formation occurs in response to mechanical loading
of bone, whereby bone trabeculi are laid dQl.vn in the direction of
muscle pull or weight-bearing forces. Bone is laid down in areas of
stress and reabsorbed in areas that are unstressed. The mechanism
hy which this occurs is that mechanical strain activates the cell-remodeling
process in such a way as to ensure structural competence. The cellular
response is to provide sufficient bone tissue to \vithstand the functional
loads placed on the bone. Bone is considered to be an anisotropic
material, exhibiting different mechanical properties vvhen loaded
in different directions. I\'fuscle activity alters the stress pattern
in bone, as do compressive forces. Tai chi is an exercise modality
that loads all of the bones of the body through weight bearing and
through muscle pull for prolonged periods. Future research would be
helpful in verifying the hypothesis that the piezoelectric effect
and \Nolffs la\\' are influential during a tai chi routine. TAl
an orthopaedic client is in poor shape from a cardiovascular perspective,
the likelihood of impro\'ing orthopaedic status is compromised greatly.
Tai chi has the potential of improving cardiovascular and musculoskeletal
parameters. Young et aPl measured blood pressure during three screening
visits and every 2 weeks during a comparison study of a moderate-intcnsity
aerobic exercise program v·.'ith a light-intensity' tai chi
program in previously sedentary adults. Estimated maximal oxygen uptake
and measures of physical activity level vI.'ere determined at baseline
and at the end of the intervention period. Comparing the two exercise
groups, the moderate-intensity aerobir: group had similar effects
on blood pressure when compared with the tai chi group. \T02max and
all other measures of physical activity in the tai chi group showed
remarkably greater improvements, hOW8\'Cr, when compared with the
aerobic exercise group. In a study by Lai et aFu it \vas determined
that the elderly tai chi exercisers shovlI'ed a significant improvement
in \702 uptake compared with an age-matched control group of sedentary;
elders, Lai et aFu concluded that the data substantiated the practice
of tai chi as a means of delaying the decline in cardiorespirator~y
function commonly considered normal for aging individuals. Tai chi
\/llaS shown to be a suitable aerobic exercise for older adults.25
A subsequent study by Lai et aF5 substantiated further that tai chi
exercise is aerobic exercise of moderate intensity. In
the past, it was believed, although never studied, that tai chi exercise
forms did not ha\'8 a significant cardiorespiratory component, and
they \\'er8 deemed nonaerobic. Zhuo et aP~ designed a stud:y to determine
the physiologic demands of tai chi. The results indicate that tai
chi may he classed as moderate exercise, and its intensity docs Ilot
c:\cced 50[;0 of the individual's V02n",X uptake. Schneider and
Leungi") sho\yed that ventilatory capacity measures showed signifir;ant
improvement in tai chi practitioners. in addition to producing a slightly
higher heart rate relative to metabolic load \vhen compared with traditional
aerobic activities. In a study of post-m).'Ocardial in farction patients,
Channer et aP compared a tai chi group with an aerobic exercise group
and found not only significant improvements in blood pressure, heart
rate, and respiratory response to exercise (in both groups), but also
found compliance was greater for the patients in the tai chi group.
This movement modality not only has the benefits of improving cardiovascular
and cardiorespiratory health, but also it appears that individuals
practicing tai chi enja,y it. It has been shown in these studies that
despite the slo ..... v, steady. smooth pace of tai chi exercise routines,
there is a significant positi\'c effect on the cardiovascular and
cardiorespiratory systemY' 33 TAl
often lead to the fracture of bones or injuries to the joints and
soft tissues, especially in an elderly population. The potential value
of tai chi exercise in promoting postural control, improving balance,
and preventing falls has been substantiated by several researchers.17,
h 43. 4:;-50 Tse and Bailey43 found that tai chi practitione;s had
significantly better postural control than the sedcntarynon practitioner.
Pro-vince et ap5 found that treatments directed to\,vard flexibilitv,
balance, d:Jmamic balance, and resistance, a111.0mponents oftai chi
exercise, r~duccd the risk of falls for elderly adults. \Volfson et
aF3, 50 showed that shortterm exposure to "altered sensor)' input
or destabilizing platform movement" during treatment sessions,
in addition to home-based tai chi exercises, elicited significant
improvements in s\\/ay control and inhibited inappropriate motor responses.
The outcome measure of functional balance improved more substantially
in the exercise group that combined the treatment sessions with the
home program of tai chi. \Volf et aI's compared a balance training
group, in \vhich balance was stressed on a static-to-moving platform
using biofeedback, with a group of tai chi Quan exercisers. A third
group sef\'ed as a control for exercise inten'ention. This study sho\ved
that a moderate t<ii chi program can affect favorably the defined
biomedical and psychosocial indices of frailty in an oldcr adult population
and has favorable effects on the occurrence of falls.4b, 4R The benefits
of tai chi in fall prevention have been also supported in a study
by Judge et aV' in 'which these researchers showed improvements in
single-stance postural s\vay in older \vomen vlrith tai chi exercises.
Shih')O examined the effect of tal chi on postural sway and noted
substantial positive changes in anterior and posterior directions
in s'i.vay velocities and efficiency of postural corrections to balance
perturbations. Of
great importance is the ability to tell where one is in space. Jacobson
et al13 assessGd the effect of tai chi training on lateral stability,
kinesthetic sense. and strength Df voluntary knee extension and found
improvement in all three of these areas of measurement \vhen compared
with a nonexercise group. One contributing factor in falls is that
individuals fall when they arc unfamiliar ·with the task they
are doing. By pracUcing movement, tai chi participants gained a sense
of how to manage their balance in a variety of positions. Forrest9
established that practicing tai chi leads to <i greater use of
the elasticity of the peripheral structures involving muscles, ligaments.
and tendons and that a greater awareness of postural equilibrium (i.e.,
\vhere one is in space) was based on antidpatory postural adjustments.
This finding makes sense because each movement transition in tai chi
is a planned movement, and concentration (meddation) is a key' element
in the practice of this choreographed movement modality. CONCLUSION
benefits of tai chi are immense. It can positively augment physical
therapy programs aimed at improving balance and posture, coordination
and integration of movement, endurance, strength, flexibility, and
relaxation.5. 7. q, 13-]&. H. 28 -f9.50 Tai chi exercise has cardiovascular,5.
7, 26, 27, 39.51. 52 neuromuscular,9. 13. llL 19, 30.·;3, 4&.49
psychologic,4. 15. 1&.38.41 and musculoskeletaF·13, 18,
19,21.32, 3e benefits that are observable clinically. It can be used
in patients who normally avoid activity because of pain, lack of motivation,
or fear. The author has had great success in the use of tai chi \I\rith
patients with chronic pain, chronic low back conditions, fibromyalgia,
depression, fractures of all kinds, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis,
osteoporosis, Paget's disease, scleroderma, lupus, and most orthopaedic
conditions. Health
and disease do not depend on sharply compartmentalized anatomic or
self-limiting physiologic systems. The body functions as a unit, and
this unity cannot be understood without the musculoskeletal system,
which constitutes 60% of the body mass. Although joint sprains and
strains, fractures, and other orthopaedic conditions resulting in
pathologic limitations of normal motion manifest their more obvious
effects in the local area of the lesion, they are likely to affect
the function of other remote body systems. Tai chi offers a form of
exercise that incorporates the rnm'ement of the body as a v",hole
and stresses every body s)Tstem. It is a "\vonderful adjunct
to traditional physical therapy for all orthopaedic problems. Tai
chi holds great promise toward health promotion, mental and physical
fitness, wcllness, attaining maximal functional capabilities, and
improving the quality of life. RESOURCES
For an in-depth review of the philosophy and histor)' of tai chi as "veIl as a description with pictures of a modified tai chi routine for older adults with functional limitations, refer to Complementary Therapies
in Rehabilitation: Holistic
,Approuches for Prevention and 1Vellness.4 Although the author has
dozens of manuals and instructional \'ideotapes, only one is recommended
for the health care professional: 7"oi Chi Fundamentals for Health
Care ProfessionoIs ulld Instructors: A. Simplified /\pproach for AIastering
T'ai Chi Basjc~'s, by Tricia Yu, !'vIA, and Jill Johnson, MS, PT,
GCS, published by Uncharted Country Publishing. Published in 1999,
this is the clearest, most concise, and most comprehensive video and
manual available. References
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Thank you for your interest. Thomas
M. Krapu, Ph.D. © 2002, Thomas M. Krapu, Ph.D., All rights reserve |